10 Anthony Jeselnik’s Most Shocking and Hilarious Jokes

Comedy is a diverse art form that takes many shapes and sizes, and one of the most polarizing and provocative comedians of our time is Anthony Jeselnik. Known for his dark humor and fearless approach to controversial topics, Jeselnik has made a name for himself by pushing the boundaries of what is considered socially acceptable in comedy.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the world of Anthony Jeselnik jokes, exploring his unique style, controversial content, and the impact he has had on the comedy landscape.

10 Anthony Jeselnik Jokes

Anthony Jeselnik is known for his edgy and dark sense of humor. Here are 10 jokes that capture his distinctive comedic style:

  1. “I used to date a girl who had a twin. People always asked me how I could tell them apart. It was simple – her brother had a mustache.”
  2. “I have this cousin who’s really into conspiracy theories. He believes in chemtrails, Bigfoot, and that he’ll one day pay me back that twenty bucks he borrowed.”
  3. “I was at a funeral recently, and the deceased’s last wish was to be cremated. So, we threw him a surprise barbecue.”
  4. “My friend asked me, ‘What’s the quickest way to a woman’s heart?’ I replied, ‘Through her ribcage.'”
  5. “I have a dark sense of humor, just like my dad. He always said, ‘If at first, you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.'”
  6. “I don’t understand people who say they’re ‘bad with names.’ You go to someone’s funeral, and it’s like they’re all right there on display.”
  7. “My grandma always said, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates.’ She died from diabetes.”
  8. “I went to a therapist once, and he told me I had OCD. I said, ‘I think you mean CDO.’ He asked, ‘Why CDO?’ I replied, ‘Because the letters are in the right order – just like they should be.'”
  9. “I dated a woman who was into bondage, but it just didn’t work out. She was tied up in her work.”
  10. “I don’t like to gamble, but I went to a casino with my friend. He said, ‘Anthony, let’s play the slots.’ I said, ‘Sure.’ So, he pushed me down the stairs.”

Please note that Anthony Jeselnik’s humor is intentionally provocative and may not be suitable for all audiences. It’s essential to consider the context and the audience when sharing these jokes.

The Rise of Anthony Jeselnik

Born on December 22, 1978, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Anthony Jeselnik didn’t always have dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian. He attended Tulane University, where he studied English literature and graduated in 2001. It wasn’t until a few years later that he found his true calling in comedy.

Jeselnik began performing stand-up comedy in Los Angeles in the early 2000s. His sharp wit and dark sense of humor quickly caught the attention of comedy clubs and audiences alike. He made his first television appearance on “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” in 2008, and from there, his career took off.

Jeselnik’s Style of Comedy

Anthony Jeselnik’s style of comedy can be described as dark, edgy, and unapologetic. He doesn’t shy away from taboo subjects, controversial themes, or offensive jokes. In fact, he embraces them wholeheartedly. Jeselnik’s delivery is calm and deliberate, which creates a stark contrast to the shocking content of his jokes. This contrast is a crucial element of his comedic style, as it catches the audience off guard and amplifies the impact of his punchlines.

One of the defining characteristics of Jeselnik’s comedy is his use of misdirection. He often starts a joke with a seemingly innocent or mundane premise and then takes a sharp turn into darker territory. This unexpected twist is a key element of his comedic strategy, as it subverts the audience’s expectations and leads to a bigger laugh.

Controversy and Pushing Boundaries

Anthony Jeselnik is no stranger to controversy. His jokes often touch on sensitive topics such as death, tragedy, and taboo subjects. While some comedians might tread lightly around these subjects, Jeselnik dives headfirst into them, crafting jokes that are designed to shock and provoke.

One of the most infamous examples of Jeselnik’s controversial humor is his joke about the Boston Marathon bombing, which he delivered on his comedy special “Thoughts and Prayers.” The joke sparked outrage and debate, with some arguing that it crossed a line, while others defended it as a form of dark satire.

Jeselnik himself has addressed the controversy surrounding his comedy. In interviews, he has explained that his goal is not to offend or hurt anyone but to explore the boundaries of what can be funny. He believes that comedy should be a space where no topic is off-limits, as long as it is handled with skill and intention.

The Impact of Anthony Jeselnik

Anthony Jeselnik’s brand of dark humor has had a significant impact on the world of comedy. While he may not be as mainstream as some other comedians, his influence can be seen in the work of many up-and-coming comedians who are unafraid to tackle controversial subjects and push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in comedy.

Jeselnik has also inspired a devoted fan base who appreciate his fearless approach to comedy. His fans appreciate the intellectual challenge of his jokes and the way he forces them to confront uncomfortable truths about society and human nature.

Furthermore, Jeselnik has contributed to the ongoing conversation about the role of comedy in society. He raises important questions about the limits of free speech, the power of satire, and the responsibility of comedians. While not everyone may agree with his approach, he has undeniably made people think about these issues in a new light.

The Controversy of Cancel Culture

In recent years, cancel culture has become a hotly debated topic, with comedians often finding themselves in the crosshairs of public backlash for jokes that are deemed offensive or insensitive. Anthony Jeselnik is no exception to this trend, as his provocative humor has made him a target for criticism.

The question of whether comedians like Jeselnik should be held accountable for their jokes is a complex and contentious one. On one hand, freedom of speech is a cherished value in many societies, and comedy has historically been a platform for pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. On the other hand, some argue that there are limits to free speech, especially when it comes to perpetuating harmful stereotypes or causing genuine harm.

Jeselnik himself has expressed mixed feelings about cancel culture. While he believes that comedians should be allowed to explore dark and controversial subjects, he also acknowledges that there should be consequences for jokes that cross certain lines. Striking the right balance between artistic freedom and social responsibility is a challenge that continues to be debated in the world of comedy.


Anthony Jeselnik is a comedian who is unapologetically himself. His dark humor, fearless approach to controversial topics, and skillful use of misdirection have earned him a unique place in the world of comedy. While his jokes may not be for everyone, there’s no denying his impact on the comedy landscape and his role in sparking important conversations about the boundaries of humor and free speech.

Whether you find him hilarious or offensive, Anthony Jeselnik’s jokes are undeniably thought-provoking and impossible to ignore.

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